> 旅游 > 上海主要景点地图















Last Sunday, I went to visit the Great Wall with my friends. It was a sunny day, which brought us a good mood. However, if I were to write an English composition about the attractions in Shanghai, I would definitely include some of the iconic landmarks such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, the Bund, and the Jing\'an Temple. These are all must-visit places for tourists who come to Shanghai.


Shanghai has lots to offer for both first-timers and re-visitors. Here are the top 20 attractions in Shanghai:

1. The Bund: Enjoy the picturesque skyline of Shanghai and take a leisurely walk along the famous waterfront promenade.

2. Oriental Pearl Tower: One of the most iconic landmarks in Shanghai, offering panoramic views of the city.

3. Yu Garden: A classical Chinese garden with beautiful pavilions, rockeries, and ponds.

4. Jing\'an Temple: A famous Buddhist temple with a history of over 780 years.

5. Shanghai Museum: Explore the rich history and culture of China through the museum\'s extensive collection of artifacts.

6. Tianzifang: A trendy arts and crafts enclave with narrow lanes filled with shops, galleries, and cafes.

7. Xintiandi: A trendy entertainment district with a unique blend of European-style architecture and modern attractions.

8. Zhujiajiao Water Town: Experience traditional Chinese culture and architecture in this picturesque water town.

9. Shanghai World Financial Center: One of the tallest skyscrapers in Shanghai, offering breathtaking views from its observation deck.

10. Nanjing Road: Shopaholics will love this bustling shopping street, famous for its numerous department stores and boutiques.

11. French Concession: A charming neighborhood with tree-lined streets, historic buildings, and trendy boutiques and cafes.

12. Longhua Temple: One of the oldest Buddhist temples in Shanghai, known for its beautiful pagoda.

13. Shanghai Ocean Aquarium: Discover a variety of marine life in one of the largest aquariums in Asia.

14. Shanghai Circus World: Be amazed by thrilling acrobatic performances and traditional Chinese circus acts.

15. Shanghai Disney Resort: Experience the magic of Disney at the first Disneyland in mainland China.

16. Jade Buddha Temple: Admire the exquisite jade Buddha statues and immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of this Buddhist temple.

17. Shanghai Tower: The second-tallest building in the world, offering stunning views of Shanghai from its observation deck.

18. Shanghai Natural History Museum: Learn about the natural history of China through interactive exhibits and displays.

19. Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center: Get a glimpse of Shanghai\'s past, present, and future through its detailed models and exhibitions.

20. Zhongshan Park: A popular park in Shanghai for leisurely strolls, picnics, and outdoor activities.



- 华东政法大学:位于上海市杨浦区,是中国著名的法学院之一。

- 东华大学:上海的一所著名综合性大学。

- 上海工程技术大学:以工学为主的综合性大学。

- 上海视觉艺术学院:是一所国内著名的视觉艺术学院。

- 上海外国语大学:专门培养外国语人才的高校。

- 上海对外经贸大学:上海市一所以经济学为主的大学。

- 上海立信会计金融学院:是一所以金融和会计学为主的高校。

- 思贤路玉华路:上海市的一条道路,两旁有许多玉器店和古玩店。

- 泰晤士小镇:坐落在上海市金山区,是一个集文化、旅游、休闲、商业于一体的生态小镇。



1. 苏州园林:苏州的园林被誉为东方园林之冠,有着精美的景观和典雅的建筑。

2. 周庄、同里、甪直、木渎:这些古镇保留了苏州传统文化的精髓,是体验传统水乡文化的好去处。

3. 吴中太湖、西山、穹窿山:太湖和周边的山脉景色优美,是踏青游玩的理想之地。

4. 沙家浜、虞山尚湖旅游区:这是苏州的一个风景名胜区,有着独特的自然风光和丰富的历史文化。

5. 金鸡湖风景区:金鸡湖是苏州市的一个天然湖泊,周围有许多休闲娱乐设施和景点。
